Nobuko Fujita

Learning Specialist and Adjunct Professor

Curriculum vitae

(519) 253-7739 ext 2105

Office of Open Learning

University of Windsor

401 Sunset Avenue,
Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4

Psychoactive Substance Use and Social Policy

Jacqueline Lewis and Jillian Holland-Penney
Date Published:
Feb 28, 2022
License: CC BY
This course provides a critical exploration of social factors affecting our understanding of psychoactive substances (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, opiates, cocaine, psilocybin, club drugs, etc.), their use and relevant social policy, and how these have changed over time. In the course students will engage in an analysis of the social factors influencing the origins and maintenance of prohibitionist policies at both the national and international levels, and the costs and consequences of such policies. They will also explore the movement for health and human-rights oriented policy change, including recent efforts at decriminalization, legalization and the introduction of innovative harm reduction efforts. While the course has a predominately Canadian focus, other countries are used as examples of policy alternatives.

Each chapter requires students to read and watch course material and then do an assignment based on what they have read and watched. There are a series of questions at the start of each chapter designed to facilitate student engagement with the materials.
Nobuko Fujita, PhD (Office of Open Learning, University of Windsor), played an integral role in the development of the eCampus funding application and bringing the project through to fruition. Throughout the project she provided technical and administrative support, including her expertise with the PressBook platform, helping to implement my vision for this book. (From Dr. Jacqueline Lewis)

Cover design: Nobuko Fujita
Cover image attribution:
Brodeur, M. (June 28, 2017). [Cannabis leaves]. Unsplash.

Fujita, N. (2022). Cannabis seal from One Plant Dispensary [Photograph]. 
Fujita, N. (2022). One Plant Dispensary in Windsor, Ontario [Photograph]. 

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